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Mission Statement

Mission statement

We are a family of learners dedicated to preparing pupils to be independent global citizens. We aim to develop a strong sense of self and build pupils' confidence, allowing them to develop life skills and achieve their fullest potential. We aim to provide a safe and caring environment where children have the opportunity to build positive relationships, make reputable choices and be inspired to become life-long learners.

Our Commitment
To teach our children to their full potential and ensure that they learn effectively
To encourage our children to use the 5Cs (Courtesy, Consideration, Care, Co-operation and Commitment)

To provide a high-quality education that equips our children with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for personal success

To develop in children the characteristics necessary for adulthood; self-confidence, imagination, flexibility, respect for others and the ability to be a positive member of a team
To build and maintain a partnership between the school and the community which promotes and supports the raising of achievement and the pursuit of excellence

We aim …
  • To provide a safe, effective and inclusive environment for learning
  • To encourage life-long learning by developing positive self-images, the adoption of healthy lifestyles and the values of good citizenship and teamwork
  • To raise the standards of achievement in Literacy and Maths for all children in our family of schools across the whole ability range
  • To provide a diverse curriculum for our diverse community that meets the needs of every child
  • To promote partnerships through the sharing of ideas among all stake-holders
Our Pledge...
  • We respect ourselves, others, and our world
  • We value our differences and our connections.
  • We have the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in and contribute to our community, country and the family of nation
  • We believe in and have hope for the future.
Our aspirations are: 

  • That every child fulfil his or her academic potential.
  • That teachers and children pursue excellence in teaching and learning.
  • That our children develop a love of learning, both individually and with others, and acquire a wide range of learning skills.
  • That we create an environment in which children are confident in their ability and increasingly ready to take responsibility for their own learning.
  • That every child receive excellent pastoral care within an ethos of tolerance and mutual respect.
  • That children develop relationships with peers and adults in a way that prepares them for life beyond school.
  • That children acquire a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.
  • That children benefit from a wide range of opportunities for leadership and the management of others.
Personal and Social Development
  • That our children participate in a variety of physical activities and experience a sense of well-being and self-confidence that arises from good health and fitness.
  • That our children benefit from a comprehensive personal and social education that helps them to lead happy and fulfilling lives.
  • That we provide a varied range of activities beyond the curriculum.
  • That children discover and develop their own skills and interests at school in preparation for adult life.
  • That all children be adventurous and participate in a range of activities, appreciating the rewards of teamwork.
  • That all be given the opportunity for personal achievement and fulfillment in a way befitting their own aspirations.
That our children develop a moral and spiritual awareness that makes them receptive to the world around them, bringing with it a sense of wonder and openness to the most important ideas in our own and other cultures.

That the school recognize the crucial importance of its staff in pursuing the aims above and, as a good employer, undertakes to provide them with appropriate support such as continuing professional training, review and development.

Mission Statement - Staff Section 

  • Our beliefs about the conditions of learning, and
  • Our commitments about how we will work together as educators responsible for the implementation of our shared vision. ( To raise attainment and achievement for all children)
  • Best outcomes for children.
School as a community:
  • Communicate and work with families to enhance children's learning.
  • Discuss the compact at the parent-teacher conferences.
  • Respect the cultural differences of children and their families.
  • Continue efforts to develop professionally.
  • Encourage parental volunteering
A curriculum with coherence:
  • Provide a broad curriculum that promotes literacy.
  • Explain assignments clearly and provide homework that supports the curriculum.
  • Encourage children and parents by providing information about student progress.
  • Provide workshops for parents.
 A climate for learning:
  • is safe for all children;
  • is rigorous and challenging to stimulate the greatest possible achievement by each student;
  • develops curricula that is specifically appropriate for early adolescents with an emphasis on hands-on learning (interactive);
  • includes learning experiences to match the different learning styles of our children, and strategically uses field experiences to complement and enhance our in-school learning.
 A commitment to character:
  • Maintain high expectations for ourselves, children, and other staff.
  • Assist children in the development of a sense of personal and civic responsibility.
  • Help children learn to resolve conflicts in an appropriate, positive, and non-violent manner.

Mission Statement - Pupil Section

All children to demonstrate:
  • individual responsibility;
  • pride in their work;
  • a tolerance and respect for others, and respect for their environment.
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